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What is a Doula?


A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.


While a doula does not replace a mother’s medical staff, she does form an indescribable bond with her, empowering her to know her options and capabilities.


Why hire a Doula?

With a Doula in attendance, women experience:

  • Shorter labor

  • Decreased Cesarean rates

  • Lower levels of fear and anxiety

  • Reduced pain medication and epidural rates

  • Reduced need for vacuum and forceps assistance

  • Greater success with breastfeeding



What does a Doula do?

Before labor, a doula:

  • Assists with the creation of a birth plan; a list of desired wishes to be followed during labor

  • Reviews possible comfort measures to be performed during the labor and delivery process in order to determine what works best for mom

  • Is available to answer questions regarding what to expect during the delivery process


During labor, a doula:

  • Remains by mother’s side. She is available to provide physical and emotional support at all times

  • Empowers the mother by providing positive feedback and knowledge of what her body is capable of

  • Provides position ideas for both comfort and labor progress as well as support for the labor partner to be as involved as they’d like to be in the birth


Postpartum (after birth), a doula:

  • Remains to assist with initial skin-to-skin contact, delaying newborn procedures, if possible

  • Ensures adequate adjustment to life with a newborn and to assist with breastfeeding concerns.

  • Meets with mother to ensure mom’s satisfaction with her birth experience.


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